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M A Weekly Bulletin - CHABBAT TAZRIYA- METSORA - 29 AVRIL 2017- 3 IYYAR 5777

04/27/2017 08:50:16 PM




Friday Night
Candle Lighting: 7:39p

Shabbat Day
Shaharit - Minyan: 8:30a
Havdalah (end of shabbat): 8:48p






Hello/Bonjour [nickname_else_first_name],


What is Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut?

Yom Hazikaron is Israeli Memorial Day and the official name (translated) is: Day for Remembrance of Israeli Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism. After sunset, in Israel a siren is heard all over the country and lasts for one minute, during which Israelis stop everything (including driving, which stops highways) and stand in silence, commemorating the fallen and showing their respect. The moment of silence is very emotional. It doesn’t matter how much everyone is rushing and moving, all stops during that time. This is partly because in such a small country such a large percentage of people know someone or is related to someone who is being remembered. In addition, Jews have a concept of kol Yisrael Arevin zeh la zeh, that we all care for one another in a very close way even if not related.    This  year we honor the memory of 22,447 soldiers killed in the line of duty since 1860. Today there are 9,442 bereaved parents, 4,917 widows, and 1,948 orphans. A two-minute siren is heard the following morning, which marks the opening of the official memorial ceremonies and private remembrance gatherings, which are held at each cemetery where soldiers are buried. At sunset of that day there is an official ceremony at Har Hertzel where the flag is returned to full mast and Israel Independence Day is celebrated. This Wednesday 1.5 million people in Israel will visit military cemeteries during Yom Hazikaron.      By observing Yom Ha’atzmaut immediately following Yom Hazikaron it reminds us that although we must always remember and give recognition to what has happened in the past, one also must not dwell on our prior misfortunes, yet look toward a better tomorrow







·What is the Hebrew date for when Yom Ha’atzmaut is celebrated?

·  Mon, 01 May 2017 at sundown (6th of Iyyar, 5777)
· * *Wed, 18 April 2018 at sundown (4th of Iyyar, 5778)
· *Tue, 28 April 2020 at sundown (5th of Iyyar, 5780)

·  Wed, 14 April 2021 at sundown (3rd of Iyyar, 5781)


As you notice above, every year has a different Hebrew date. The reason is to avoid that Yom Hazikaron falls, on Friday, Saturday or Sunday;  The answer follows:    This year the answer is 6 Iyar. If you answered 5 Iyar (Heh Iyar), you are rarely correct. Currently, Yom Ha’atzmaut is only celebrated on Heh Iyaar if it happens to fall on a Wednesday. That is the only time it is celebrated on that date. If 5 Iyar falls on any other day of the week then Yom Ha’atzmaut is celebrated on a different day.      The 5th day of Iyar, is the anniversary of the Proclamation of the State of Israel in 1948. It is interesting how the schedule came about. Historically, the date was chosen because during the first year of Israel's existence politicians were not able to agree on a date for a memorial day. As the year came to a close without a decision, the Memorial Day was celebrated on Israel's first independence day (1949), and the same arrangement was made the following year (1950). Celebrating the holidays together was not practical so in 1951, Yom Hazikaron was moved one day back. Since 1963 if 5th of Iyar falls on a Friday or Saturday then Yom Ha’atzmaut is pushed up to the 3rd or 4th of Iyar. , if the 5th of Iyar occurs on Monday (like this year) then it is moved to Tuesday the 6th of Iyar. Since the week day where the 5th of Iyyar falls is always one day before the first day of Pessah. This year the 5th of Iyyar is on a Monday, Pessah started on a Tuesday. Pessah can’t occur on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday (Lo Badu Pessah), 5 Iyar can never occur on Sunday, Tuesday, or Thursday. The only days it could occur on it Monday (in which case it is moved to Tuesday), Friday or Saturday in which case it is moved up to Thursday. The only other day of the week it can possibly occur on is Wednesday in which case we celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut on 5 Iyar without moving the celebration.



La paracha Tazria poursuit l’exposé des lois relatives à la toumah et à la tahara, à l’impureté et la pureté rituelle.      Après son accouchement, une femme doit accomplir un processus de purification qui comprend l’immersion dans un mikvé (bain rituel) et des offrandes au Temple. Les garçons doivent être circoncis le huitième jour de leur vie.         Tsaraat (la « lèpre » biblique) est une plaie d’ordre surnaturel qui peut aussi affecter des vêtements. Si des tâches blanches ou roses apparaissent sur la peau d’un individu (rouge foncé ou verdâtre sur des vêtements) le Cohen (prêtre) est consulté. Par l’application de différents critères, tel que l'expansion de la plaie après une mise en quarantaine de sept jours, il déclare tahor (pur) ou tameh (impur) le phénomène constaté.         Une personne atteinte de cette tsaraat doit demeurer hors du camp (ou de la cité) jusqu’à sa guérison. La partie touchée d’un vêtement doit en être retirée et, si la tsaraat s'étend ou réapparaît, le vêtement tout entier doit être brûlé.    La paracha de Metsora commence par le détail de la procédure par laquelle le Cohen purifie le metsora guéri. Cette procédure implique : deux oiseaux, de l’eau vive dans un vase d’argile, du bois de cèdre, un fil d’écarlate et un bouquet d’hysope (une plante aromatique)      Une maison peut être affectée également d’une altération « lépreuse » se manifestant sous la forme de taches d’un vert ou d’un rouge foncés sur ses murs. Au terme d’un processus précis d’observation qui peut durer jusqu’à dix-neuf jours, un Cohen détermine si la maison peut être purifiée .



·  When does a woman who has given birth to a son go to the mikveh?
12:2 - At the end of seven days.

·  After a woman gives birth, she is required to offer two types of offerings. Which are they?
12:6 - An olah and a chatat.

·  What animal does the woman offer as a chatat?
12:6 - A tor (turtle dove) or a ben yona (young pigeon).

·  Which of these offerings makes her tahor (ritual purity)?
12:7 - The chatat.

·  Which of the sacrifices does the woman offer first, the olah or the chatat?
12:8 - The chatat.

·  Who determines whether a person is a metzora tamei (person with ritually impure tzara'at) or is tahor?
13:2 - A kohen.

·  If the kohen sees that the tzara'at has spread after one week, how does he rule?
13:5 - The person is tamei.

·  What disqualifies a kohen from being able to give a ruling in a case of tzara'at?
13:12 - Poor vision.





Great is charity, for it brings near the redemption. " ~~ Talmud, Bava Batra

A man’s every act begins with a dream and ends with one." ~~ Theodore Herzl

Without sin, there can be no forgiving." ~~ Yemin Tsidqi

If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank. " ~~ Woody Allen

Wisdom is God’s power in action; for without it, everything is but theory." ~~ The Mezeritzer Rabbi

The greatest thief is the one who steals the mind of men." ~~ Tosefta

Experience is what we call the accumulation of our mistakes. " ~~ Yiddish Proverb

If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Him your plans." ~~ Yiddish Proverb

If you want people to think you are wise, agree with them." ~~ Yiddish Proverb

Let no man marry a wife meaning to divorce her!" ~~ Talmud, Yevamot

No righteous man passes away before one like him is created." ~~ Talmud, Yoma

Who is rich? Who has a wife lovely in her deeds." ~~ Talmud, Shabbat



Un jeune homme annonce à sa mère qu'il est amoureux et qu'il souhaite se marier. Avec un sourire en coin, il lui dit :
- J'ai invité ma chérie et ses deux copines demain à prendre le thé à la maison. Je ne vais rien te dire, et tu essaieras de deviner laquelle des trois j'ai décidé d'épouser !
La mère accepte.
Le lendemain, il revient avec trois jolies filles. Ils passent au salon, discutent un bon moment, et finalement le jeune homme demande à sa mère :
- Alors maman, à ton avis, qui crois-tu que je compte épouser ?
- Celle du milieu.
- Waow, c'est super, tu as deviné !!! Comment as-tu fait ?
- Simple intuition, elle me tape déjà sur les nerfs...


C'est un homme qui est attaché à un poteau dans une tribu cannibaliste.
Un cannibale s'approche et lui demande:
- C'est quoi ton nom?
Alors l'homme lui répond:
- Pourquoi me demandes-tu ça?
Le cannibale lui répond:
- C'est pour le menu !

Dis, maman, un ange ça vole?
- Bien oui...
- Mais pourquoi, alors, la servante ne vole-t-elle pas?
- Pourquoi dis-tu ça?
- Parce que papa a appelé la servante mon ange...
- Attends demain, tu vas voir qu'elle va voler.




David Hasson






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Maghen Abraham
POB 111, Succ Snowdon, Montreal,

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Tel: 514-737-3695

Thu, April 18 2024 10 Nisan 5784